Passenger Car Tires


Annual, winter and all-season tyres for cars, SUVs and off-road vehicles.

Quality tyres on sale and free delivery.

At Famm Co. we strive to be a reliable and trustworthy partner tire repair shops. Many years of experience and direct supply channels guarantees high-quality service to both small and larger tire repair shops.

Pri podjetju Famm Co. vam zagotavljamo:

  • Strokovnost in odzivnost komercialistov
  • Sodobno spletno B2C trgovino z možnostjo naročanja 24/7
  • Hitro dobavo naročenega blaga.
  • Optimalno razmerje med ceno in kvaliteto
  • Široko paleto dimenzij ter znamk
  • Sodobno elektronsko izmenjavo podatkov o zalogi


Famm Co. d.o.o.
Obrtna cona Logatec 10a,
1370 Logatec

+386 1 759 15 00
+386 1 759 15 07
[email protected]

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